So I recently lost some weight .. and here is how!

So on top of being the queen of crafting and handmade jewelry – I also have recently started a new initiative to become a healthier version of myself. Over the last nine years this city has been amazing, but with all the food and activities I found myself gaining weight and with my hectic schedule I also found little time to work out and meal plan in an effort to lose it. To make matters worse, I have muscular dystrophy which creates additional issues when it comes to working out. The added stress on my ankle joints and lower extremities make it next to impossible to perform adequate cardio to aid in my weight loss. This also meant less energy – and I depend on energy to complete all the tasks I set for myself each and every day.

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Weight loss and health supplements never really impressed me until a few of my old co-workers told me about Xyngular. Having also heard stories of others with joint problems and difficulty in weight loss, I decided to jump in and order an Ultimate Transformation Kit. Upon receiving it I was kind of overwhelmed and wondered how I would keep up with taking the supplements. A few days in I had established a rhythm, and then I began to truly see and feel a change! After the first 8 days I had lost 9 lbs, and after a few more weeks I have been maintaining at 13lbs lost. Grant it, I am not perfect and I may have had one too many cheat meals – but the beauty of this program is that it is so simple to hop back on.

You may have heard that this is not to be coined as a “weight-loss” program, and could not be more true. This is indeed a life-style changing program as it not only helps you lose weight, but Xyngular actually aids in energy and as well as helping your body perform at its best potential. My ankle aches less, allowing me to be more active and that paired with my healthy eating routine (when I am not on vacation) has set me up for continued success with this program.

I plan on keeping everyone updated on my transformation and how I progress with this program. If you want to join in, message me today by visiting the link below and I would be happy to help you start on your journey to a healthier you!

Time to Transform

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